Friday 7 May 2010

Looking back at your Priliminary task what do you feel you have learnt in the progression from it to the full product?

After i had completed my thriller opening sequance i looked at btoh this and my prilimanry task to see if my skills have improved which i feel they had, when i look at my primliminary task some of the shots were quite shakey and could have been framed better. i also feel i did not put enough effort into it to what i could have done. i feel i could have re-shot many shots and made it look more professional and continuity. when i look back at my Thriller opening sequance i can see a huge improvment in many things including the framed shots and the steadyness of them, i also used more effects and transitions in my thriller opening scene which made it look more effective and knowledgable which showed i have learned since the first task we did and improved in what i have done.

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