Tuesday 5 January 2010


In our groups we had to come up with a storyboard on what our film was going to include shot by shot. This took a lot of time and we had to do it in a lot of detail so somebody could come along and look at it and be able to roughly film a shot. Our storyboard consists of a variety of shots we will be using, how we will be using them and what for. We coloured and explained our story boards so we know what we need to do and how we need to do it. this will make it easier for us as it means we can just go to our storyboards and know exactly what we need to film and where. although i am pleased with this storyboard and the shots we have decided to do i feel there could be changes in the future where i will have to add in another story board for the changes i would make, but for now i think this is very effective.

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