Tuesday 5 January 2010

Shot List

  • Close Up - Nice photos of the girl (professional)
  • Extreme close up
  • Close up of equipment
  • Close up - dirty photos
  • Pan of wall x 2
  • Close up of feet
  • Crain of body (slow)
  • Mid shot, zoom into
  • Close up of his feet
  • Close up of her feet
  • Close up of necklace and him looking at it
  • Mid shot of them walking away (showing costume)
  • Close up if girls possessions such as, bag, money, clothes, make up, necklace.
by having so many close ups gives the audience less to work with it makes them wonder why they have put these close up in and what they mean. It gives away more tension and suspense by knowing not too little but not to much.

By having a crain of her body shows the audience exactly what state the girl is in and how she looks, it adds to the cold effect of being hurt and upset. i think this shot would be very effective and wrk well with what i plan to do.

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