Tuesday 3 November 2009

Reflections on filming

Before we even started filming we had to make sure our setting we chose was free for filming in this case we had a bit of difficulty as the setting we originally picked was inavailble so we had to re think of another suitable place to film that fitted in with our storyboard. We decided to film in a school as our dialogue fitted in with it as it was about a teacher and a student having a converstaion about homework. For our props we used natural teaching stuff such as school books, we done this so it sets the atmopsphere even more as to where it was and what was going on. When it came to the filming, trying to use continuity editing was quite difficult as we had to make sure it was perfect and nothing was out of place, we had to make sure we stayed in the position so the next shot fitted in when we cut it. When doing this we had to re film shots a number of times to get it just right and to make sure it looked like a continuity edited sequance, it took a lot of practise but i think it worked well in the end, we made sure we followed the rules of continuity editing by keep going back to our storyboard and seeing what else we need to do and include in terms of the techniques and whats needs to be included during this sequance.

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