Tuesday 3 November 2009

Continuity Editing

Continuity editing is used to make the edits between shots as unobtrusiv (unseen) as possible, this is why we do not notice the editing in programme as it seems natural the shots flow from one to another.
the basic techniques of continuity editing are:
Mastershot (establishing shot) - this sets up the patial relationship between characters. it shows you where each of them are in the room or location and the audience can use this information when watching rest of scene.
180 degree rule - An imaginary line is drawn between them, the camera must stay on the same side of imaginary line, but it can move anywhere within 180 degrees. we use this so viewers do not get confuised and the shots flow easily.
Match on action -this is where a character carries out an action, the first shot of it may be from one shot type/angle and the second from another. The editer can then cut on this action to hide the cut and make the edit seamless.
Shot reverse shot - usually used to show conversation, the camera will switch between mcu/cu of characters as they speak to eachother, showing response and reaction.
eyeline match - this is a cut between a character looking off screen to the item that they are looking at.

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