Friday, 7 May 2010


This is my opening sequence of a thriller genre. I used many conventions of a thriller film such as Eree music to create tension, Dark and Light lighting for the right mood and times, suspense, and tension. i think my opening sequence worked really well as a whole although there are mnay things i would change and add to it for example i think there needed more titles and credits and i also feel i could have shot a bit more, but i also like how i have done some of the shots and effects i have used worked well with what i had. overall i think my film is successfull.

In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products?

My opening sequence uses many conventions like real media products, for example my film includes Eree music at the neginning just like any other opening sequence, it also starts half way through instead of at the beginning which is what many thriller opening sequance's do. i have qucik shots throughtout so my audience has to ask questions which is another aspect opening sequences do. by having these means i have done my research in terms of looking at many opening sequences to know what they include and need to make it look good. i think i have done this quite well but could also improve it in many ways. i think i have used mnay conventions of a thriller which is good because it would draw my audience in more quickly.

How does your media product represent particular social groups?

My media product shows many presents particular social groups which is "victimised teenagers" as we have used a teenage girl to represent the victim. she is an average teenage girl trying to persue a dream but gets abused. by representing this group means people will become more aware of what could happen and be careful. By representing such a young social group could be hard trying to convince people but i think it has worked quite well and i have got my point across easily.

Looking back at your Priliminary task what do you feel you have learnt in the progression from it to the full product?

After i had completed my thriller opening sequance i looked at btoh this and my prilimanry task to see if my skills have improved which i feel they had, when i look at my primliminary task some of the shots were quite shakey and could have been framed better. i also feel i did not put enough effort into it to what i could have done. i feel i could have re-shot many shots and made it look more professional and continuity. when i look back at my Thriller opening sequance i can see a huge improvment in many things including the framed shots and the steadyness of them, i also used more effects and transitions in my thriller opening scene which made it look more effective and knowledgable which showed i have learned since the first task we did and improved in what i have done.

What have you learnt about technologies from the process of constructing this product?

When making and producing this film i have learnt many techniques. one of the techniques i have learnt is how to use the makes and iMovie effectibly and to a standard i can improve my work to a high standard, i have learnt how to cut clips, add effects, music, colouring and so on, this helps a lot as you have a wider experiance which means i can experiment even more and make my film look even better. Another techniuque i learnt is how to use a camera properly instead of just the average turn it on and film, i have learnt how to frame shots properly and use the techniques invloved in the camera such as zooming in and out to gain close up and long shot and panning so you can get a whole section in making it look very effective and steady. by having the knowledge of this has given me the confidence to edit my film and make it to a good enough standard.

How did you attract/adress your audience?

To attract/adress my audience i used a lot of thriller conventions such as Eeree music, this can create enough tension to get the reader going and involved. I also used Dark lighting this adds to the effect as it makes it more real as what you see you wouldn't expect it to be light out as they wouldn't want people to see what is happening. i also made sure i used a variety of effects to add to the tensions of a thriller, this will help attract the audience as they will get involved in the film quicker and wouldn't find it dull.

Who would be the audience for your media?

The target audience for my thriller film is middle aged teenagers, such as 15+, i have chosen this age group as i feel it is nessassery for the subject my film is about, it can alert young girls and boys but also entertain them, the sort of teenagers i would like to attract is people who like watching thrillers and enjoy things like this, although i want to attract a certain age of teenagers i want it to be a variety of different people with different views. Whether or not they are high - low class is not something that is important when choosing my target audience. It is about people who like a thriller genre film.

What kind of media institutions might distribute your media product?

I would like my film to be distributed in many different instituions such as film magazines, cinemas, and the trailers at the beginning of a film. I would also have it advertised with many similar genres so i can attract the right target audience for my film. By having a variety of ways to distribute my film means i can get a wider range of audience's is and my it would attract my target audience quicker.