Thursday 25 February 2010

Editing #3

For todays editing lesson i made sure i had all the footage i needed so i could get straight on and do as much as i can as the deadline is coming up in the next few days. i managed to complete loads in this lesson, adding in titles, subtitles, effects and making sure it all flows. i am pleased with my film so far and think it will come out good. although i managed to do a lot in todays lesson i struggled a bit as i didn't know what i was doing at times and how to do certain things. Also in todays lesson i imported my music from the music i chose works really well with my film as it is a piece of music that is quite Eerie and creates a lot of tension, which is what i was looking for.

Editing #2

Todays lesson i carried on with my editing, cutting away bits i didnt need, adding effects, and putting everything where i wanted it to be. i worked really well in this lesson and i managed to get a lot done. i am pleased with what i have achieved so far. while editing this film i am learning more skills and techniques in which i could use to improve the quality of my film even more. although i have sorting my clips out there are still a few bits missing where i need to re-shot them and add things in to make it flow more easily.


In todays lesson we uploaded all our footage we had filmed and started our editing individually. i started by sorting out all the clips i did not want or did not work well, i then started with the basics by putting all my clips where i wanted them ready for cutting and developing. I found this lesson really effective as we could now see if we needed to re-shot anything or film more to add to it and make it even better. our group decided that we needed to film a few more shots we hadn't included so arranged to do that in our next lesson when we are all together.

Friday 12 February 2010

Filming #2

In todays lesson we filmed our scene when our victim and the "photographer" met. we filmed this down an alley as it would leave our viewers wondering why. these shots took a lot longer to film as it was outside so we had to make sure noonne else was in this shot. we done a lot of re-shooting with this but we got some good shots in the end. i think the atmosphere worked well. although i liked these shots i still think we could have improved them, for example in soem shots they were quite wobbly so they could do with being re-shot.


In todays lesson my group started our filming. We started our filming by filming the shots of our victims flashback. while filming this we had to do mnay re-takes as many mistsakes were getting made. overrall i think these shots worked well and was very effective, they created tension and uneasee as it is something you may not want to watch. to improve these shots we the character could have been more in character as they found it hard to keep a straight face. When looking back at this i feel there could be a couple of shots were we could re-shot and make to a higher quality.